Friday, November 29, 2013


When we get old, I want to have you around. I want to take one of these eternal pictures.   

"Love is cure, Love is power, Love is the magic of changes. Love is the mirror of divine beauty." ~ Rumi

“Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches, we found that we were one tree and not two.”  - Corelli's Mandolin

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Israel released yesterday 26 Palestinian detainees. Some of them were detained before the Oslo Agreement.

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” 
― Charlotte BrontëJane Eyre

The first breakfast for freed prisoner Issa Abd-Rabbuh with his mother since 30 years

Monday, October 28, 2013

Faith in Humanity Lost

I read a report about a Korean pastor who helps families that do not want their babies. The point is why people decide to have baby if they are not capable of taking care of them. If you do not want them there are million ways not get pregnant at the first place.

Lee Jong-rak is a Korean pastor in South Korea.
He is the creator of the Baby Box. His Baby Box is the first and only box in Korea that is for collecting abandoned babies who are physically or mentally handicapped or are just unwanted by their mothers.
Hundreds of unwanted babies are abandoned on the side of the street in South Korea every year. Jong-rak knew he needed to set up a way to save the lives of these precious babies. He built a drop box on the side of his home with a humble sign reading, “Place to leave babies.”
The inside of the box contains a thick towel covering the bottom, and lights and heating to keep the baby comfortable. A bell rings when someone puts a baby in the box, then Jong-rak, his wife, or staff associates come to immediately move the baby inside. His aim was to provide a life-giving alternative for desperate mothers in his city of Seoul. He even admits that he didn’t really expect that babies would come in– He was mistaken. The babies came. In the middle of the night, in the middle of the day, some with notes, some without a word, and only a very few mothers actually spoke to him face-to-face. Pastor Jong-rak stated that one of the mothers said, “she had poison to kill both herself and her baby.” He responded, “Don’t do that. Come here with your baby.” One single mother left this heart-wrenching note with her baby. The English translation follows:
“My baby! Mom is so sorry. I'm so sorry to make this decision.
My son! I hope you to meet great parents, and I am very, very sorry.
I don’t deserve to say a word.
Sorry, sorry, and I love you my son.
Mom loves you more than anything else.
I leave you here because I don’t know who your father is.
I used to think about something bad, but I guess this box is safer for you.
That’s why I decided to leave you here. My son, please forgive me.”
My breath was pulled from me as I read, “I used to think about something bad but I guess this box is safer for you.” Yes, this little box is a safer place than the plans that once haunted this single mother’s mind. Because this box was an alternative, she chose life. Thus, this box would be the beginning of a previously undreamed ministry in Korea, the ministry of the Baby Box.

The story of this man and his baby box is reaching the entire world with it’s own 72 minute documentary called “The Drop Box” by a young 22 year old, Brian Ivie. The documentary just won the “Best of Festival” Jubilee Award & “The Best Sanctity of Life” film award at the 8th annual San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival this past February. Ivie was stirred to do the film after reading an article in the LA Times about Pastor Jong-rak’s mission, and he decided to go to Korea to make the documentary. After seeing the testimonies of this orphanage up close, Brian Ivie’s life was changed. In his acceptance speech, Ivie said, “These kids are not mistakes. They are important.” He went on saying, “I became a Christian while making this movie. When I started to make it and I saw all these kids come through the drop box – it was like a flash from heaven, just like these kids with disabilities had crooked bodies, I have a crooked soul. And God loves me still. When it comes to this sanctity of life issue, we must realize that that faith in God is the only refuge for people who are deemed unnecessary. This world is so much about self-reliance, self-worth, and self-esteem. It’s a total illusion that we can be self-sufficient. Christ is the only thing that enables us.”

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Princess Wedding

Yesterday was my friend Sara's wedding it was a total blast (in a positive way). She was very beautiful and energetic despite the fact she was wearing a high heels; something which I do not imagine my self doing. When I saw her wearing the white dress I felt "deja vu" not because she was looking traditional, but because we have imagined this before. When I saw her I remembered the hours we have spent at the work :( I really miss having my friends around me at the work..

At any value, let us not be a drama queen today, I ask God to grant her happiness, health, luck, and eternal love :) Love you my sweet friend <3

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

La La La


  When you first hear or watch the song you do not quite understand its meaning. After I read the story of the song I loved it. 

Some times life needs the tactic of: "I'm covering my ears like a kid, when your words mean nothing, I go la la la"  because there are many negative people and things and we should get rid of them. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Good Bye September

Finally it's 30 September! I cannot believe that this month is over now. It was like a long nightmare that won't end.

Many thing happened during this month not only in my personal life but around the world.. For me I did not have time for anything, but work! My days and nights were full of working especially after two of my colleagues left the work.
The whole world was busy with the US plans to strike Syria and the people were preparing themselves for the worse, which is the war. Many decisions and meeting were held and I felt like the world is turned upside down. The future was vague for everyone and no one was able to determine what will happen next. The situation in the region is very disturbing, the Syrian crisis, the sectarian attacks in Iraq and Lebanon, and the instability in Egypt. Whenever you watch news you can only hear reports on the death of scores of people and demonstrations here and there, needless to mention the "exacerbating" situation in Palestine in light of the feverish Israeli attacks against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem. The situation in general is very disappointing.

I feel that there are like million ideas in my head, but I do not have the guts to say any.. I am just tired I do not want think about anything. I guess that I need a long vacation.. I wish October will be nice to me and brings me some good news.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Inspirational Quote

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” 
― Mother Teresa

I am ready to chase my dreams, are you? I may be lost the right track, but, definitely, I am looking for it 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Random thoughts

I hate Eid holiday in general, but this one particularly is so different... I cannot believe that you are not here anymore I know that I have told myself million times that I can get used to this and it is not that hard... But every time I need you and feel like I wanna see you,, I remember that I cannot anymore...

My plans for this holiday is to stay in bed without thinking of anything.. I am tired of thinking :( I feel that I am "strange and outsider" cannot find anything in common with anyone.. Nothing matters anymore while you are away.. 

Monday, August 5, 2013


Ramadan is about to end :( I am sad because it was one of the best Ramadans I lived in my life, but inshallah better Ramadans are yet to come :)

I hate the fact that Ramadan will end and the Id al-Fitr will start, its nothing about the Id; it is just me I do not enjoy the Id and I do not find the vacation an opportunity to take a rest.

July was really a very long month for me, I had to manage the office where I am working and coordinate with my "uncooperative" coworkers, while my boss is traveling to the United States to chill out with his family and leaving me tonnes of tasks over my head.. Anyway, al-hmdullilah it is almost over, sigh :)

Funny thing I heard during the "gatherings" of Ramadan from a woman who discussed the developments in the region and how "Jordan is stable and secure." She said: "Many protests were organized here in Jordan, but nothing was achieved on the ground because they are a group of youths who have extra time and do not know how to exploit it, [ma r7 yser eshe 3nna allah y5lelna el malik!]" At that moment I was rolling on floor laughing and said: "If nothing changes till now, then something will happen in the near future because people will reach a point where they do not have anything to give to their children to eat. When that time comes, you will see people in the streets, and let us hope this will happen soon." She was like "O.o!" okay whatever. I do not understand when people will wake up and see that we need a change we need reform!
  "He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

27 July 2013

27 July 2013 a day to remember! It started just like any other usual day, but it ended in an unexpected way.. I do not have much to say, but just one thing which is that I am swimming against the current.. Yet, I am doing this in respect of my beliefs and principles... God be with me I need you...

..يا رب إن لم يكن بك عليّ غضب فلا أبالي

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

5rabeesh on Ramadan

Today is the first day of the holy month of Ramadan we know that many people loose their temper easily during the day under the pretext "Ana sayym 7elo 3ane!" You can see those people in the streets driving slowly taking the left side of the street and whenever you honk the car's horn you feel that they suddenly woke up and they start "tshbeer" using their hands and facial expressions to tell you to "f**k off" because again he/she is "Sayyam." You can also find those people on the stores and while you are waiting in a queue he stands before you and take your turn, if you try and tell him that its your turn he will "Yj7rak" or in other dialect "Yjje7ak."

There are really many angry people in the streets during Ramadan and after and before it. So do not put the blame on Ramadan its you, you are the problem :P

Take care on the streets and try to avoid those "ANGRY" people because they will ruin your day and might "explode" in front of you. Happy Ramadan may Allah accept our prayers

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

One Year

كمان 10 أيام بصير إلنا سنة منتقلين على بيتنا الجديد! سنة! 12 شهر! يااااااه كيف الأيام بتمشي بسرعة، بنفس الوقت عم بفكر إنو سنه مرت من عمري شو عملت فيها شو أضفت لحياتي و شو خسرت. بصراحة لقيت كتير أشياء تغيرت، كسبت أشياء وخبرات وخسرت بعض "الأصدقاء" والأشياء. بس الحمد لله أنا مش ندمانة على اشي ولا حاسة إني بعدت عن أهدافي وأحلامي يمكن ما أكون قربت من هاي الأحلام كتير بس أنا على الطريق وبمشي بخطوات بطيئة يمكن بس بتضل أحسن من ولا إشي..

جنب بيتنا في بيت قديم على قطعة أرض كبيرة مبني البيت من قدام والشجر مزروع ورا البيت، أصحاب البيت باعوا من فترة لمتعهد ببني بنايات كبيرة قبل مبارح بلشت الجرافة تهدم بالبيت... أنا كنت طالعة ورجعت شفت المنظر ما بعرف اتدايقت من جوا مع إني ما عمري دخلت البيت أو حتى بعرف مين أصحابوا بس حسيت بحزن على الشجر المزروع من سنين واللي رح ينقلع من جذوره عشان تقوم محله بناية كبيرة من عدة طوابق رح تسد الأفق والسما عن بيتنا.. زعلت على شجر الزيتون وشجر المشمش الكبير.. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Scores of Articles

The last week I was translating an article on the killing of a Syrian boy in Aleppo (you can check the story here ). I suddenly recognized how many articles I have translated since the Syrian crisis broke out. I thought about how many times I wrote the word "Syria" all along with the words: "victims, innocent people, displacement, suffering, misery, death, and killing!!!" I thought how many articles and reports I have watched about people killed in massive massacres!

What is the goal of the revolution any way? Is not it to gain the freedom and redress injustice against people! I watch different TV channels, including the "repulsive" Al-Mayadin Channel, which represents the yellow journalism.

I am no longer taking the side of any one and I do not care who will win the battle, but what I really do care about is halting the killings and the massacres. Please stop this war, stop killing children and innocent people.

I pray to God to protect Syria and its people :(

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wall Stickers

I got this cool wall stickers in my room :) I am in love with it <3

I bought it when I went to Dubai from IKEA store :) I actually love their products and their creative designs for small spaces

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hate being a DRAMA QUEEN

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” 

 Alexander Pope

     YA RAB :(

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Cannot stop myself from listening to this masterpiece :)

Enjoy this piece of art

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gravy Candies -_-

Hahahahah this is one of the most disgusting things that I have heard about. It is "gravy candies and bubble gum!!!" yes you got it right GRAVY! I can never imagine myself trying such a thing and I do not know if anyone would.

The weird candy mad scientists at Archie McPhee are at it again. You might remember the time we tasted their Chicken Suckers. Or maybe the time we really grossed ourselves out with their Foie Gras Bubble Gum. Apparently, not content with our collective confusion as a nation of candy-eaters, they've released Gravy Candyinto the world.

Their slogan, "Tastes Like Gravy," is pretty much all we need to know. And just in case you got any wild ideas, their website specifies that Gravy Candy "does not come with mashed potato candy." At least they warned us.

gravy candy

Friday, May 31, 2013

Inspirational speech

Oprah Winfrey's commencement speech in Harvard University.

Favorite line: "There is no such thing as failure....failure is just life trying to move you in another direction." 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hectic week

It has been a hectic week in every sense of the word... I caught a flu (again, its like I have a flu forever!) in addition to the "obnoxious" abdominal pain that is killing me up to this very moment :(

On Sunday, I was really tired I finished my work and asked my boss to take a leave and he said yes go and take a rest, but just as the proverb says "When it rains, it pours," I had a car accident with a stupid man, who  hit my car and started to shout at me (It is really strange how people can be insolent to this extent!). I was really angry, especially when he said "You are a woman. I do not argue with woman, who do not know how to drive a car," I was like: "Seriously! you are the one who hit my car! how dare you!" 7amdullela the accident was not major just few scratches, but I went home at 4...

At the office, we had many tasks to do and the funny thing to say about my colleagues that they are "pampered," they do not want to make the least effort. Whenever you told any one of them to translate few more articles than he does in regular day he starts whining as if he is the only one working in this world... Some of them are even counting the number of items he is doing and compare it to others! I do not have any comment, enough is said.. However, this is the first time I feel that I am really working in a busy office and it was good indeed..

On another aspect, I am planning to go to gastroenterology doctor because I cannot bear this pain anymore Tuesday was the worse day ever :/

Today I went to the insurance company in Baydir, the industrial area, people were staring at me because I was the only girl driving between the garages early in the morning.. I was afraid to go alone, but thing went in a good way 7mdullela.. I will give them the car on Sunday to fix it enshallah.

I have like million plans and I wish I will do my best, but I am afraid that this circle will repeat itself over the next week.. I feel that I am over thinking so I will go to bed now... Nighty :)

Saturday, May 11, 2013


عندما ﺃﺣﺮﻗﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﻷﻗﺼﻰ ﺳﻨﺔ 1969 ﻗﺎﻟﺖ ﺭﺋﻴﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﺯﺭﺍﺀ ﺍﻻﺳﺮﺍﺋﻴﻠﻴﺔ "ﺟﻮﻟﺪﺍﻣﺎﺋﻴﺮ" ﻟﻢ ﺍﻧﻢ ﻟﻴﻠﺘﻬﺎ ﻭﺃﻧﺎ ﺃﺗﺨﻴﻞ  ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺏ سيدخلون فلسطين أفواجاً من كل صوب ، ﻟﻜﻨﻨﻲ ﻋﻨﺪﻣﺎ ﻃﻠﻊ ﺍﻟﺼﺒﺎﺡ ﻭﻟﻢ  ﻳﺤﺪﺙ ﺷﻲﺀ ﺃﺩﺭﻛﺖ ﺍﻥ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﻄﺎﻋﺘﻨﺎ ﻓﻌﻞ ﻣﺎ ﻧﺸﺎﺀ ﻓﻬﺬﻩ ﺃﻣﺔ ﻧﺎﺋﻤﺔ...

 القدس عروس عروبتكم للشاعر مظفر النواب

من باع فلسطين وأثرى بالله 

سوى قائمة الشحاذين على عتبات الحكام 

ومائدة الدول الكبرى ؟ 

فإذا أجن الليل 

تطق الأكواب بان القدس عروس عروبتنا 

أهلا أهلا أهلا 

من باع فلسطين سوى الثوار الكتبة ؟ 

أقسمت بأعناق أباريق الخمر وما في الكأس من السم 

وهذا الثوري المتخم بالصدف البحري ببيروت 

تكرش حتى عاد بلا رقبة 

أقسمت بتاريخ الجوع ويوم السغبة 

لن يبقى عربي واحد إن بقيت حالتنا هذي الحالة 

بين حكومات الكسبة 

القدس عروس عروبتكم 

فلماذا أدخلتم كل زناة الليل إلى حجرتها ؟؟ 

ووقفتم تستمعون وراء الباب لصرخات بكارتها 

وسحبتم كل خناجركم 

وتنافختم شرفا 

وصرختم فيها أن تسكت صونا للعرض 

فما أشرفكم 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

On the Israeli attacks against Al-Aqsa Mosque

No words can describe how I am disappointed and ashamed of the Arab inaction toward Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, and the Palestinian people there. How long will the Arab countries remain silent over what is happening? Is condemning and denouncing the Israeli attacks is enough? When will we wake up and see what is going on around us? The settlers are storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque before the eyes and ears of the whole world and we are standing idly by... These attacks show the occupation's clear escalation against Al-Aqsa Mosque in an attempt to juidize Jerusalem city and build the so-called Temple Mount in Al-Haram al-Sharif. Israel is exploiting the continuing Palestinian division and the fiery situation in the region to implement its schemes to distort the history of Palestine and establish the Jewish state over it.

قال عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه وأرضاه: نحن أمة أعزنا الله بالإسلام. فإن ابتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله.

انتهاك حرمة المسجد الاقصى هو الذل بعينه، أقولها وأجري على الله


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New decision

I am so proud of myself because today I decided not to remain silent over the annoyance caused by people around me. I decided to speak up for myself to look the person in the eye and till him that you have done this and that and this is not acceptable for me and I will no longer allow you to repeat such an act. I really needed this long time ago there have been many people in my life who bothered me and exploit me to reach a certain goal and I have never had the courage to stop them or tell them at least that this is not acceptable for me and I do not want to do it... I feel happy because from this very moment and on I will not have to bear people, who are exploiting me or people whose behavior is not acceptable for me..

I will confront people and tell them I won't be shy because this is my right. I will say "NO" when I do not want to do anything. I am not a control freak who wants to know every detail or control others life; all I want is to speak up my mind without feeling guilty or shy...

“Peace of mind is not the absence of conflict from life, but the ability to cope with it.” ~Unknown

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

من أحب الأدعية إلى قلبي

هذا الدعاء له قيمة كبيرة عندي ، فأنا أشعر بالراحة عندما أردده أشعر بقربي من الله وبقوة إيماني بأن الله سينصرني كما نصر رسوله الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام الذي قال هذا الدعاء عندما قرر أن يخرج بدعوته خارج مكة، ليذهب إلى الطائف ليدعوهم إلى الإسلام و يطلب نصرتهم ومساندتهم. لقد واجه رسولنا عليه أفضل صلوات الله وسلامه أشد أنواع الإيذاء فقد قذفه كبار رجال القوم بالحجارة وألقى الاطفال التراب عليه فما كان منه إلا أن يتوجه إلى خالقه بهذا الدعاء... نعم هذا هو دعاء محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم على الذين طاردوه وسبُّوه، وأدمَوْا قدميه بالحجارة
لَم يطلب من الله أن ينتقم منهم، وأن يسيل دماءهم، وألا يُبقِي على أرض الطائف من الكافرين ديَّارًا.. بل لَم نسمع كلمة ذمٍّ واحدة على الذين طاردوه وسبُّوه وأدموا قدميه بالحجارة. كان كلُّ هَمِّه صلى الله عليه وسلم في تلك اللَّحظة هو ألا يكون قد غضب الله عليه.
يا حبيبي يا رسول الله

اللهم إليك أشكو ضعف قوتي ، وقلةَ حيلتي ،

وهواني على الناس يا أرحم الراحمين . 

أنت رب المستضعفين . وأنت ربي .. إلى من تكلني ؟

إلى بعيد يتجهمني .. أم إلى عدوٍ ملكته أمري ؟؟

إن لم يكن بك عليّ غضبٌ فلا أبالي ..

غير أن عافيتك هي أوسعُ لي...

أعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أشرقتْ له الظلمات ، 

وصلحَ عليه أمر الدنيا والآخرة أن يحلّ عليّ غضبك ، 

أو أن ينزلّ بي سخطك .. لك العتبى حتى ترضى ..

ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بك 

هذا الدعاء يحقق لي السلام الداخلي، ويذكرني بأن كل شيء زائل وأن إرضاء الله عز وجل هو الغاية الكبرى من هذه الحياة 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Inner peace

Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy and the opposite of being stressed or anxious.

Today I read this outstanding article by Marilyn Briant and I loved to share it here: 

Creating an Inner Peace That Endures

Like many people, I lived my life for a lot of years failing to understand inner peace is a choice. I am not sure what I thought. Perhaps I didn't believe anyone could feel a lasting peace inside. I did know that my own feelings of peace were always transitory.
There were many ups and downs in my life, too many claims on my time and too many difficult situations to be dealt with. I think I actually believed inner peace could only be achieved by monks and saints, or anyone living a reclusive life who didn't have to deal with everyday struggles.
 I was stuck in a world of confusion, wondering how peace could be mine when there was always something, some drama going on in my own life or the lives of those I loved.

In fact, it seemed to me that the whole world was filled with stuff, negative stuff mostly, which I read about in the newspaper, saw on the television, or heard from someone I knew.
It was the kind of stuff that pulls at your emotions—the breaking news story of a missing woman being found murdered, the tragedy of a child being killed by a hit and run driver, the numbers of homeless people tripling, and a devastating Tsunami killing thousands and paralyzing a country.
Then there were the stories closer to home—my friend’s husband being diagnosed with cancer and dying three months later, my father suffering from dementia, my best friend’s marriage falling apart—all tearing at my heart and leaving me hurt and grieving.

In my own personal life too, my emotions dipped and peaked along with how much control I felt I had over my own happiness. I literally felt like a puppet on a string, and asked myself over and over again, “How can I feel a constant inner peace in my heart and life, when my emotions see-saw up and down according to what is happening in and around me?”
Looking back I know I believed that my emotions were important. After all wasn’t being emotional an essential part of being alive? Emotions made me feel real and allowed me to extend empathy to everyone else.
But in the deepest part of myself, I did not feel good most of the time. I longed to not be so emotional. I wanted to be released from all the conflict in my life—to not react to other people’s words and anger—to feel serenity in my heart.
It was an almost desperate need to alter or to stop the negative cycle of events which seemed to dominate my relationships and my life.
I believe it was that intention which kept on surfacing in my mind and in my heart that fueled my spiritual search and led me to discover a more peaceful way to live, despite the conflict in my life.
I know that as the months and years went on I became more determined to change the way I was living.
It was a few years ago now—I cannot pinpoint exactly when it happened—when I finally felt a peace inside that did not come and go along with my emotions or the drama in my life. I know it was the culmination of making a lot of changes, including:
Believing I am loved
Understanding that negative childhood imprinting leads to feeling unloved and having low self-esteem, I looked for and found the truth about myself. It was not what I had been led to believe was true!
Believing we are loved comes with knowing who we are, not judging ourselves or others for mistakes we make, and from daily meditation in which we feel the unconditional love of something greater than ourselves.
Monitoring and changing my thoughts
I once believed I had no control over what I was thinking, because I never considered the idea that thoughts can be changed! Then I started focusing on my thoughts and realized much of what I was thinking did not reflect the way I truly felt.
Just paying by attention to them, we see that many thoughts are primarily fear-based and judgmental.
And, because they come and go unchallenged, most of us struggle through life unconsciously accepting that we are our thoughts. We simply do not look at or challenge them as they appear and disappear. By accepting them we give them permission to shape our beliefs about ourselves and our lives.
Once you start recognizing them, you can go about changing your thoughts. Through observing how your thoughts differ from the way you really feel, you can choose to place a different thought in your mind, which more accurately reflects the way you feel.
Coming from loving kindness and living from my higher self
By noticing and appreciating other people’s kindness, we become aware how much it really matters in daily living. In dealing with difficult telephone calls, perhaps an angry person on the other end of the line, we can choose to be kind.
When a friend asks us to help with something, we can decide on the kindest thing to say or do.
If someone asks for a donation for the umpteenth time, we can deal with the request kindly. Obviously, there are times we cannot give whatever is being asked of us; when we do not have the means or desire to agree to a certain request. In these circumstances, saying no with kindness is the best choice.
Sometimes kindly refusing to provide assistance is important in helping promote personal growth in others and allows them to learn some important life lessons.
If someone is gossiping about someone we know, we can be silently kind, refusing to be drawn into the conversation. By choosing kindness, we allow positive energy to flow from us to others and prevent negative energy from reaching us or infusing situations. In this way we create and maintain a connection to our higher selves. And, realize just how good it feels to be kind.
Bringing the practice of acceptance into my daily life
Perhaps the key to feeling real peace is being able to accept what is. Acceptance simply means recognizing your ego’s voice and rejecting it. Knowing that the only person we can change is ourselves enables us to do this.
As soon as we start to think there is something not right, not the way it should be, or we become judgmental about a situation or a person—their words or behavior—we know we have moved away from accepting what is, by wanting to control what is outside of us.
There is a lot of negative energy and craziness in this world, but we can all learn to live with inner peace.
If your intention is strong and comes from the deepest part of you, it will happen. Outwardly nothing changes; peace comes from making changes inside you.
It begins and continues through becoming more aware of you really are, knowing you are loved, making changes in the way you think, practicing loving kindness, and accepting what is.
As serenity and unconditional love fill your heart, you will accept that you cannot go back, and will not relinquish what you have now found—that peace that you seem to have been searching for your whole life.
Finally, you will come to this—deep inner peace inside you that endures, regardless of what challenges life brings.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The art of Caricature

Caricature is an exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics. There are many people who misunderstand this art and underestimate how important it is. For me, caricature is that type of sophisticated art that has a significant importance and at the same time it makes you laugh. It is a way to express an idea without saying a single word or even without showing that clearly in the drawing. 

For sure many people know Usamah Hajjaj, I do not have any personal thing against him but I think that his caricature is repulsive and show how much he is shallow-minded. I do not like to judge people, but I have never seen a single caricature for him that wowed me or even make me smile. His caricature is corny and the average, he does not even have the drawing skills.

And here you can see some examples (and only some): 

On this paint, Hassan Kharabsheh commented saying: لازم يوخد جائزة على هالكاريكاتير بالذات
While Haneen Best said: والله هالكاريكتير قوي لانه جايب اجرام ووحشيه الكلب بصورة مخيفة

On this picture some people criticized the paint while Ibrahim SH Qazaq said اسامة انت فنان ... بس ما حدا بيحب الصح هالايام

Haneen Jilani said:  والله انك صادق يا اسامه عمرنا مابنصير على التخلف الي عنا

What make these pictures even worse the captions written on them. I believe that most of Usamah's fans like him because of his family name. If Imad Hajjaj is talented in this field that does not make Usamah talented too. I do not even understand how people see him a creative person.