Wednesday, June 26, 2013

One Year

كمان 10 أيام بصير إلنا سنة منتقلين على بيتنا الجديد! سنة! 12 شهر! يااااااه كيف الأيام بتمشي بسرعة، بنفس الوقت عم بفكر إنو سنه مرت من عمري شو عملت فيها شو أضفت لحياتي و شو خسرت. بصراحة لقيت كتير أشياء تغيرت، كسبت أشياء وخبرات وخسرت بعض "الأصدقاء" والأشياء. بس الحمد لله أنا مش ندمانة على اشي ولا حاسة إني بعدت عن أهدافي وأحلامي يمكن ما أكون قربت من هاي الأحلام كتير بس أنا على الطريق وبمشي بخطوات بطيئة يمكن بس بتضل أحسن من ولا إشي..

جنب بيتنا في بيت قديم على قطعة أرض كبيرة مبني البيت من قدام والشجر مزروع ورا البيت، أصحاب البيت باعوا من فترة لمتعهد ببني بنايات كبيرة قبل مبارح بلشت الجرافة تهدم بالبيت... أنا كنت طالعة ورجعت شفت المنظر ما بعرف اتدايقت من جوا مع إني ما عمري دخلت البيت أو حتى بعرف مين أصحابوا بس حسيت بحزن على الشجر المزروع من سنين واللي رح ينقلع من جذوره عشان تقوم محله بناية كبيرة من عدة طوابق رح تسد الأفق والسما عن بيتنا.. زعلت على شجر الزيتون وشجر المشمش الكبير.. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Scores of Articles

The last week I was translating an article on the killing of a Syrian boy in Aleppo (you can check the story here ). I suddenly recognized how many articles I have translated since the Syrian crisis broke out. I thought about how many times I wrote the word "Syria" all along with the words: "victims, innocent people, displacement, suffering, misery, death, and killing!!!" I thought how many articles and reports I have watched about people killed in massive massacres!

What is the goal of the revolution any way? Is not it to gain the freedom and redress injustice against people! I watch different TV channels, including the "repulsive" Al-Mayadin Channel, which represents the yellow journalism.

I am no longer taking the side of any one and I do not care who will win the battle, but what I really do care about is halting the killings and the massacres. Please stop this war, stop killing children and innocent people.

I pray to God to protect Syria and its people :(

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wall Stickers

I got this cool wall stickers in my room :) I am in love with it <3

I bought it when I went to Dubai from IKEA store :) I actually love their products and their creative designs for small spaces

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hate being a DRAMA QUEEN

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” 

 Alexander Pope

     YA RAB :(

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Cannot stop myself from listening to this masterpiece :)

Enjoy this piece of art

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gravy Candies -_-

Hahahahah this is one of the most disgusting things that I have heard about. It is "gravy candies and bubble gum!!!" yes you got it right GRAVY! I can never imagine myself trying such a thing and I do not know if anyone would.

The weird candy mad scientists at Archie McPhee are at it again. You might remember the time we tasted their Chicken Suckers. Or maybe the time we really grossed ourselves out with their Foie Gras Bubble Gum. Apparently, not content with our collective confusion as a nation of candy-eaters, they've released Gravy Candyinto the world.

Their slogan, "Tastes Like Gravy," is pretty much all we need to know. And just in case you got any wild ideas, their website specifies that Gravy Candy "does not come with mashed potato candy." At least they warned us.

gravy candy